Name | CR Holding GmbH |
Address: | Zoofenster, Hardenbergstraße 28a 10623 Berlin |
Phone: | +49 30 85 616 22 12 |
E-Mail: | post(at) |
Authorized managing directors: | Ingo Emmeluth Torsten Hollstein Claudius Meyer |
Commercial register court: | Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (Berlin) |
Commercial register number: | HRB 105 948 B |
VAT ID | DE254751367 |
Person responsible for content of the website under § 55 para. 2 of the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV): |
CR Holding GmbH (address as shown above) |
Website Design and Development: | Sven Niemeyer Phone +49 151 15772609 info(at) |
Photos by: | Olaf Heine Deutsche Habitat neworld Cloudbrixx |
Despite careful review of linked third-party websites, we assume no liability for the content of such websites. The content of linked websites is the sole responsibility of the parties that operate those websites. We hereby represent that at the time each link was placed, the linked website contained no unlawful information. However, the content of linked websites is subject to changes at any time that are beyond our control. Therefore we hereby expressly withhold any endorsement of and distance ourselves from linked websites.
Moreover, we assume no liability and make no guarantee that the information provided on this website is complete, accurate or up-to-date. We are not liable for any damages or losses that may result from using information published on our website, except in cases involving willful or grossly negligent actions or omissions on our part.
GRAEF Rechtsanwälte
Dr. Ralph Oliver Graef, LL.M. (NYU)
Board-certified attorney for copyright law and media law
Jungfrauenthal 8
20149 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 8060009-0
Fax: +49 40 8060009-10
Email: office(at)
detailing the nature of and reasons for the suspected infringement or violation. Our legal counsel will also gladly assist you with any other legal questions you may have about our Internet presence. We guarantee that any passages or parts of the website that are subject to valid objections will be promptly removed or modified as required by law.
We reserve the right to remove this website or any part thereof from the Internet without notice.
Last revised: January 2022.
Copyright © 2022 CR Holding GmbH. All rights reserved.